Nii igapäevane on hommikul siit minna ja õhtul tulla. Kodu on nii iseenesestmõistetav. Alati olemas. Nüüd, kui jõulude ajal 3 päeva ära olin ja 25da pärastlõunal koju saabusin, siis tundsin äkitselt, et kodu oleks nagu elusolend. Tundsin justkui ta oleks mind tagasi oodanud. Uksest sisse astudes hõikasin: "Tere" ja tundsin nii mõnusat sooja ja positiivset energiat - nagu üks suur ja mõnus "teretulemast" kalli lähedaselt pereliikmelt. Tuba oli täis mõnusat, magusat lõhna (mis on arvestades, et ei ole üsna tükk aega koristanud, üsna veider). Ma usun, et igas kodus ongi oma lõhn, mida tunned ainult siis, kui pikalt ära oled olnud ja mul on hea meel, et minu kodul on see mõnus, magus "teretulemast" lõhn. Just täpselt nagu mu kodu ise - armas, soe ja alati olemas! Aitähhh Sulle kodu, et oled!
See on minu oma muinasjutumaailm. Jutustan kõigest sellest, mis toimub minu ümber nähtuna läbi nende pruunide uudishimulike silmade.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Ugly people
Being angry is okay. Being disapponted - also okay. C´mon we´re all human. We all have emotions. Feeling and having emotions is being alive. But feel your emotions and let them go. If one can not let his anger and disappontment go he keeps living it over and over again until it turns to bitterness. And that´s something what really makes a person ugly. Bitter people poison first them selves and then the others. Bitter people really suck!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Everything you do is right! Always!
Everything you do is right. Absolutely everything. It only varies if it´s gonna lead you new places, open new doors or teaches a lesson. One what´s sure, it´s always exactly something you need this very moment. So don´t you ever be afraid of making mistakes coz u won´t. All you do is always right. You are impeccable!
Kõik, mis Sa teed on õige. Iseasi, kas see juhib Sind oluliste järgmiste uste avanemiseni või vähemalt valikuteni või on mingil alal õppetunniks. Fakt on aga see, et iga tegu, mida teed on just täpselt see, mida Sulle antud hetkel vaja. Nii et ära karda eksida. Sa oled eksimatu, sest kõik, mis teed on õige.Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Magic of a moment
50m high from ground, Michelin-Star dinner served, magic sunset over my city, (a Michlin-Star-looking) Chief de Cuisine personally serving you the absolutely fabulous 4 courses.... and this soft bossa is caressing your ears and your soul..... if u won´t fall in love with the moment you´d be hearthless.....
Listen to this:
Listen to this:
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Blowed my mind
Sometimes people ask why I like hockey. I´ve told them several reasons but never the most important one: while I play everything else disappears. There´s no time outside the game. The only time is a clock on the wall showing time to play. There´s no friends, no enemies. My 5 mates on ice are the only persons in whole universe that moment. No quesions or answers, dilemmas or doubts. You know what you´re expected to do. You have the rules to follow and suddenly the life is so clear and simple.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
So that´s why they call it falling?
So you fall. And if you fall you get hurt.
That´s why I never ever don´t want to fall in love again!
That´s why I never ever don´t want to fall in love again!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
U know, today I´d like to have "conserve the emotion" button in my life!
I feel so top of the world today. How come so all good things happen on the same day? :D So it´s today. All good things happened and I really would conserve the way I feel right now...
Not only the first goal I had in todays game. It was the first in my league games and the same time the first real game goal playing in this team.... For all those failures I´ve had a hundred of times in the same situation during ice-practice suddenly got paid off when I heared what noise did my bench after I scored, when I felt my team-mates hugging me, passing my bench hitting all these "gloves" headed out.... wowww, that´s the feeling....
....and there was something more... something I can´t explain... but it made me feel so warm inside :) maybe even better than the goal ;)
I feel so top of the world today. How come so all good things happen on the same day? :D So it´s today. All good things happened and I really would conserve the way I feel right now...
Not only the first goal I had in todays game. It was the first in my league games and the same time the first real game goal playing in this team.... For all those failures I´ve had a hundred of times in the same situation during ice-practice suddenly got paid off when I heared what noise did my bench after I scored, when I felt my team-mates hugging me, passing my bench hitting all these "gloves" headed out.... wowww, that´s the feeling....
....and there was something more... something I can´t explain... but it made me feel so warm inside :) maybe even better than the goal ;)
Friday, February 3, 2012
7 days left...
...hasta mi aventura!
I´ve got a feeling... a very special feeling. I name it a sense of perfection.
I´ve got a feeling... a very special feeling. I name it a sense of perfection.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Hello! Goodbye!
So many things happened meanwhile..... Some new meetings, old goodbyes, new goodbyes.... Basically I´ve figured out I hate goodbyes... Doesn´t matter if a new or old one. I´m just really bad in saying or taking goodbyes. They hurt. It feels like every goodbye takes a little tiny piece of me. Time after time. Until fianlly nothing left. Teared apart piece by piece. Moral? To avoid goobyes, don´t let anybody close enough the possible goodbye would give you a fuck....
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