Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blowed my mind

Sometimes people ask why I like hockey. I´ve told them several reasons but never the most important one: while I play everything else disappears. There´s no time outside the game. The only time is a clock on the wall showing time to play. There´s no friends, no enemies. My 5 mates on ice are the only persons in whole universe that moment. No quesions or answers, dilemmas or doubts. You know what you´re expected to do. You have the rules to follow and suddenly the life is so clear and simple. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

So that´s why they call it falling?

So you fall. And if you fall you get hurt.
That´s why I never ever don´t want to fall in love again!

Monday, March 12, 2012

So up so down

I can let him go. I really, really, really seriously can! So help me God... Okay?