Friday, July 20, 2012

Ugly people

Being angry is okay. Being disapponted - also okay. C´mon we´re all human. We all have emotions. Feeling and having emotions is being alive. But feel your emotions and let them go. If one can not let his anger and disappontment go he keeps living it over and over again until it turns to bitterness. And that´s something what really makes a person ugly. Bitter people poison first them selves and then the others. Bitter people really suck!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Quote of the day

"I don´t feel pain. I´m stronger than pain".

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Everything you do is right! Always!

Everything you do is right. Absolutely everything. It only varies if it´s gonna lead you new places, open new doors or teaches a lesson. One what´s sure, it´s always exactly something you need this very moment. So don´t you ever be afraid of making mistakes coz u won´t. All you do is always right. You are impeccable!
Kõik, mis Sa teed on õige. Iseasi, kas see juhib Sind oluliste järgmiste uste avanemiseni või vähemalt valikuteni või on mingil alal õppetunniks. Fakt on aga see, et iga tegu, mida teed on just täpselt see, mida Sulle antud hetkel vaja. Nii et ära karda eksida. Sa oled eksimatu, sest kõik, mis teed on õige.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Magic of a moment

50m high from ground, Michelin-Star dinner served, magic sunset over my city, (a Michlin-Star-looking) Chief de Cuisine personally serving you the absolutely fabulous 4 courses.... and this soft bossa is caressing your ears and your soul..... if u won´t fall in love with the moment you´d be hearthless.....

Listen to this: